Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Illustration Friday: "Sight"


One day in the spring of 1887 Helen Keller, then almost 7 years old, learned that there were names and words for everything.  Her teacher, Anne Sullivan, spelled the word "w-a-t-e-r" over and over into the palm of one of Helen's hands while running water over her other hand at the family pump.  Helen's world opened up and her life was changed forever.

I enjoyed reading about Helen this week while working on this illustration. Here are links to some of the sites I especially liked:

Helen Keller Kids Museum - Ask Keller
The Story of My Life.
Helen Keller - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Helen Keller Foundation for Research & Education

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Morning warm-up

I wanted to toss out something fun before going on to the very regimented, perfect-edges-oriented work of the day.  Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Illustration Friday: "Jump"

For this illustration the foals were drawn with pen and ink.  The background and colors were done in Adobe Photoshop.