Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Warrior Victorian Evening

While avoiding housecleaning and shopping, I suddenly had an idea for an illustration project that would be fun.  My rule for starting it was that it had to be fast.  I really wanted it to take about an hour but it took two - still not too bad.  I love figure drawing, I want to practice it, and I love historical fashion.  So I thought I'd do a fast figure drawing and then change it by making a character and adding clothes!

I have a favorite figure drawing online site here, and searched the Metropolitan Museum of Art site here for a dress.  Screenshots of the images I used from those sites are above.  My fast rough sketches are below.

I did a quick revision of the woman on tracing paper and then traced it onto bristol board using a light box.  The final drawing was done in pen and ink.  I didn't do a final sketch due to time;  I just did the final details right in the ink drawing.  I like how it came out.  I'm sure I'll repeat this project again soon!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Erik. I'm glad you think it's fun; I do too!

  2. I'm all for avoiding housework and shopping whenever possible, too. Creating is a much better use of your time and energy. :) I love the way this turned out. The ink details are delicate and lively. Love the balance of the word above her head with her trailing skirt.
    Happy drawing!
